resilient (2018). Choreography by diana barios, Jenny battenberg, roger vance baldwin. (still images from videography)
stellar (2015). Choreography by adriana durant. st. louis spring to dance with leverage dance theater. (still images from videography)
one body, one career: countertechnique intensive (2013). choreography by Anouk van dijk. (photo credit: Pippa samaya)
This two-week intensive brings together Australian and international participants and offers a first hand opportunity to learn about Anouk van Dijk’s Countertechnique, a movement method and training system for dancers.
shakespeare’d: An evening of dance and sonnets (2013). Choreography by Ali duffy, Sarah mondle, rachel ure. (photo credit: andrea bilkey)
Encounters with the Infinite (2013) Choreography by Nejla Yasemin Yatkin. (photo credit: Jon white)
“This magical, entrancing dance piece used imagery of the classic ballet Swan Lake, woodland nymphs of Greek mythology, feminism and phoenix-like rebirth, in a flurry of white feathers suggesting snow or fallen leaves.” -The Current
just above the floodline (2013) Choreography by Audrey Simes (photo credit: prophotostl and lisa verlo)
Steps in the street (restaged – 2009) Choreography by martha graham. restaged by duane cyrus & elizabeth auclair (photo credit: sinru ku and chris english)
“A landmark work by a pioneer of modern dance, it is inspired by devastation, homelessness and exile, themes readily grasped by dancers and audiences alike.” – Duane Cyrus
jocose (restaged – 2008) Choreography by hanya holm
Reconstruction: Don Redlich
Dance Notation Bureau Stager: Sandra Aberkalns
Rehearsal Director: Pamela Pietro (photo credit: sara D. Davis)
“Hanya Holm’s (1893-1992) Jocose opens the evening. Set to music by Maurice Ravel, it is playful and charming, full of gentle jokes, and its travelling turns and rolls set us up nicely for those to come in the other dances. ” -Kate Dobbs Ariail